
Türkiye is a daily that is known for its support for the AKP government and President Erdoğan. The daily is owned by Ihlas Group, a conglomerate with major investments especially in the construction sector. In 1970, Ihlas group's paper was first published as 'Hakikat' but changed its name to Türkiye in 1972.
Audience Share
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Media Companies / Groups
İhlas Group
Ownership Structure
Voting Rights
According to Article 434 of Turkish Commercial Code, shareholders in corporations ('Anonim Şirket’) use their voting rights in proportion with their shares’ nominal value. Each shareholder has at least one vote, however voting rights might be limited, or given more weight with articles of association. Moreover, public companies may issue shares without voting rights according to Article 14/A of Capital Markets Law.
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
Enver Ören
Affiliated Interests Founder
Enver Ören, founder of Ihlas Holding A.Ş., was born in 1939. He attended Kuleli Military School and Istanbul University Faculty of Science. He founded the journal Hakikat whose name was modified as Türkiye daily later. He died in 2013.
Ahmet Mücahid Ören
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Ahmet Mücahid Ören has been the CEO of İhlas Holding since 2013. He was born in 1972. He is the son of Enver Ören, founder of İhlas Holding. Ahmet Mücahid Ören started his business career as the Technology Director of Türkiye newspaper. He managed İhlas group’s investments and operations in such fields as construction, marketing, health and education. He served as the CEO and Deputy Chairperson of İhlas Holding between 1993 and 2013. He has been holding the citizenship of the United States of America (USA) since 2001.
İsmail Kapan
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
İsmail Kapan was born in 1956. He started journalism in 1978. He founded İhlas News Agency in 1993. Kapan has been working as a Board Member and senior manager in İhlas Holding group companies since 1987.
Other Important People
Mustafa Erdoğan, Orhan Tanışman, Abdullah Tuğcu, Nazmi Örs, Mehmet Nureddin Yağcı, İsmail Cengiz, Hüsni Kurtiş
Affiliated Interests other important people
Mustafa Erdoğan, Orhan Tanışman, Abdullah Tuğcu, Nazmi Örs, Mehmet Nureddin Yağcı, İsmail Cengiz and Hüsni Kurtiş are the board members of İhlas Gazetecilik.
Address: Merkez Mahallesi 29 Ekim Caddesi İhlas Plaza No:11 A/41 Yenibosna-Bahçelievler/ İstanbul - Phone: 0 (212) 454 30 00 - Website: www.turkiyegazetesi.com.tr
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Market Share